Friday, March 11, 2011

Night At the Museum

A pig fetus.
After eating our snack (which consisted of corn and potatoes), we decided to rush back to the computer, go to and make this post. (Yeah, we really can't stay away from the computer.)
Now, first things first. The title of this post says Night At The Museum right? Well, we were inspired by the movie Night At the Museum. But, ironically, we went to the Museum of Natural History in the afternoon. 
A snake.
At the Museum of Natural History, we didn't just see animals. We also saw fungi! Yay, more organisms to write about and take down notes on.
If you're observant, then you must have noticed that this is the third place of our field trip. Only two more places to go!

Khaim expected that he would learn about the culture of the Philippines, probably because he saw the word history. Er, news flash, Khaim, the museum is about animals and fungi. 
Gobs wanted to see all of the organisms and take pictures or sketch them in his trip chart.
Reisa, like Gobs, wanted to take down notes of some fungi and sketch them.
And finally, Margot, she expected to learn about the history of plants and animals. 

Margot, Reisa and Gobs took down notes.
Here are a few organisms that we saw:

   1.     Name of Organism: Bats
           Scientific Name: Chiroptera
           Taxonomic Classification:
           Characteristics: they live in the tropics, the only   mammals that can fly
           Ecological Relationship:
                   Bats are predators. Meaning they feed on it's prey. They are also consumers meaning they do not make their own food.
2.     Name of Organism: Bracket Fungi
         Scientific name: Lenzites
         Classification: Fungi
         Characteristics: They belong to Class Basidiomycetes
         Ecological Relationship: decomposers, consumers, symbiotic association with plant roots = mycorrhizae, symbiotic association with algae = lichens 
                                                                                                                                                                    3.     Name of Organism: Puff Balls
         Scientific name: Calvatia
         Classification: Fungi
         Characteristics: They belong to Class Basidiomycetes
         Ecological Relationship: decomposers, consumers,

symbiotic association with plant roots = mycorrhizae, symbiotic association with algae = lichens 
4.     Name of Organism: Javan Frogmouth
        Scientific Name: Batrachostomos pygmeus
        Classification: Animalia Class Aves
        Characteristics: They live in dense tangles of vines and bamboo
         Ecological Relationship: consumer, competition with other Javan frogmouths for resources, predation with its food

5.     Name of Organism: Shiitake mushroom
        Scientific Name: Lentinus edodes
        Classification: Kingdom Fungi
        Characteristics: cold weather mushroom, they can only be grown in Baguio, they are medicinal
        Ecological Relationship: decomposer, consumer, symbiotic association with plant roots = mycorrhizae, symbiotic association with algae = lichens 


6.      Name of Organism: Dinagat hairy-tailed cloud rat
         Scientific Name: Crateromys austrailis
         Classification: Kingdom Animalia
         Ecological Relationship: consumer, predation: the organism is the predator, the food is the prey, competition for resources with other hairy-tailed cloud rats

Well, this has been a long post! All that talk about museums makes us want to watch Night At The Museum 1 and 2 again!
But before we hit the TV, we wanted to thank you guys for reading our posts and (we hope) you can learn a lot from them. Hopefully our Walk Through Biodiversity can help you all.
Thanks to Khaim for the photos of the pig fetus and snake.
And stay tuned, for our next post from the field trip! Because it'll surely contain all you need to know on - oops, almost spoiled it. Well ... you'll find out.


  1. Hey there mini gurus! Here's our evaluation for this post:
    Content - 10/10
    Coherence - 5/5
    Creativity - 5/5
    Voice - 5/5
    Mechanics - 5/5
    Text Layout - 5/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 4/5
    (there is no picture for one organism that you found)
    Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
    TOTAL: 44/45

    Good job on the post! It was fun to read because it was very witty. It was really enjoyable. We're sure that a lot of people would enjoy reading this too!Anyway, keep up the good work!

    -Blogitty blog-blog

  2. Here is the breakdown of your score:
    10, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5

    Total: 43/45
    Comment: 7/10
    Peer: 44/45

